Monarda didyma 'Gardenview Scarlet' (1 qt) | Gardenview Scarlet Bee Balm (1 qt)

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Native to the Eastern U.S. , this plant is very much underused in western gardens! Bee balm, also known as oswego tea or bergamot, produces bushy clumps, growing to 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall. 'Gardenview Scarlet' has whorls of bright red edible flowers on very mildew resistant plants. Flowers will continue over a 2 month period, if blooms are cut back. They attract honeybees, hummingbirds and butterflies, and the flowers are delicious for people as well. Leaves and flowers are used for citrusy flavored teas.
Plant in full sun, except in hottest areas, where plants will benefit from a bit of afternoon shade. Give plenty of water to keep the plant healthy and vigorous. If watering overhead, be sure to water early in the morning to prevent powdery mildew.