Artemisia 'Powis Castle' (1 qt) | Powis Castle Wormwood (1 qt)

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This is one fast growing Artemesia! It is typically evergreen in our climate, so we prune it back by about 50% in the early spring to clean it up and get it beautiful again. It can grow 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide, so it is not for the faint of heart. It makes a great background plant, and with its silvery white foliage it is a great foil to dark colored flowers. Grow it with Penstemons like Garnet, Firebird or Midnight, and the flower color really pops out.
'Powis Castle' is a great choice for erosion control, on steep banks or in areas where deer are snacking. It even seems indestructible to gophers...we have this growing next to our driveway, where it gets run over by everyone, and it survives beautifully. When most people run over it with their car, they get out and ask "What smells so good?" It smells somewhat pungent, but very clean.
Grow it in a full sun location, with little water once established.