Artemisia absinthium | Wormwood

Artemisia absinthium | Wormwood

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Yes, yes, absinthe is legal to drink here in the U.S. again, but chewing on these very bitter leaves is just going to give you a case of 'bitter face'. They are not delicious! It is a stately background plant in the border though, giving some great color and texture to the garden. Wormwood is very low maintenance, requiring only an occasional pruning. Flowers are yellow but tiny. The foliage makes striking wreaths. It prefers full sun and dry locations.
Following are some of the interesting things that have been done with wormwood: Place Wormwood under your bed to draw a loved one; Burn with Sandalwood to raise spirits; Carry to protect against evil spells; Burn as an incense in order to develop your psychic powers; It is said that a salve made of Wormwood will drive away goblins; It has been used as an aphrodisiac and to stimulate beard growth.
It is an interesting herb with ancient histories and stories behind it...