Native to northern Mexico, this somewhat rangy plant is also commonly called Toronjil. It is a really fun plant to grow - I think it does everything an herb is supposed to do. The leaves are lemon scented, used for teas, is an excellent digestive, has edible flowers, and attracts swarms of hummingbirds. It is also easy to grow in a well drained soil and is long lived. This is a hard working plant. Long 12 inch whorled spikes of red-purple flowers are lovely to look at, and if the hummingbirds will share, you will be surprised by lemon flavored flowers. It's really a great plant for children, who are always delighted with plants that taste like lemon!
Because this plant can have a bit of a gangly form, prune it liberally early in the season to get a nice full thick base. If you live in a high wind area, or dogs run through your garden, give it a little protection by planting close to the house or fence. Plant in full sun, and amend the soil to improve drainage.