Some customers say this is the only basil they need to grow. Never flowers!
This is a very unusual basil. It is a variegated Genovese type basil, and it never blooms! It is very delicious, excellent for cooking. Use it as you would Genovese basil. We found several interesting facts about this basil when we grew it out last year. At my house there are many snails. I always have to use some Sluggo around my basil plants, even in pots up on the patio. As usual, I forgot to put some around the pot that had Genovese, lemon, Thai, red rubin and Pesto Perpetuo. The next morning, they were all gone, or mostly gone, except the 'Pesto Perpetuo', which it looked as if they hardly touched! Later in the summer, after I had replanted the pot with the other basil, I forgot to water the pot for a few days - when I remembered, my poor basils had fried to a crisp, except the 'Pesto Perpetuo', which was doing fine! And come fall, the last basil in the pot to die was the 'Pesto Perpetuo'. So, it doesn't bloom, snails don't like it as much, it is more drought tolerant and cold resistant. Who could ask for anything more?Pesto Perpetuo grows to 2 feet tall. Plant in full sun or a little afternoon shade. Fertilize frequently.