Eupatorium purpureum (4") | Joe Pye Weed (4")

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Joe Pye was the native American said to have used the roots of this plant to cure New Englanders of typhus. Native Americans used this plant as a diuretic and for conditions of the urinary system. It is a lovely and stately native perennial, growing to 7 feet tall.  Beautiful rosy purple flowers on tall hollow segmented stems have the appearance of bamboo. A large showy specimen plant, the large umbels of purple flowers are sweet smelling and attract butterflies, but most especially beneficial insects. Perhaps more than any other plant in our gardens, the flowers of Joe Pye Weed attract a huge number of native bees and hover flies.
In our hot gardens, this plant grows in almost full shade, soil thick with humus and ample water. We have actually grown it in full sun, but it stopped looking happy by July 4th. It is native to stream sides and moist areas, so we can't expect the impossible!
Height is 7 feet, spread is 4 feet.