Chamaemelum nobile (4") | Roman Chamomile (4")

Chamaemelum nobile (4") | Roman Chamomile (4")

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Semi-evergreen. 3-4 in. Part Shade.

Roman Chamomile is a very old fashioned groundcover for semi-shade areas. Because the foliage is fragrant, smelling like apples, it makes a terrific groundcover. It doesn't grow to be more than about 3-4 inches tall, except when blooming it can be up to 6 inches. In hot areas it will be a shade loving groundcover, but it cooler areas, and in its native England, it is actually a lovely sunny lawn substitute! Small yellow and white daisy flowers are used for teas, soaps and sleep pillows. Although it is not the most popular choice for chamomile tea (the annual Matricaria recutita is more more florific) it can be used in a pinch, with the same calming, sedative effect.

To get Roman Chamomile to creep and root itself more quickly, score the soil around the planted area, or work some compost in to loosen the area.