Anethum graveolens 'Superdukat' (3") | Dill (3")

Anethum graveolens 'Superdukat' (3") | Dill (3")

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Annual. 3 ft. Sun to Part Shade.

Dill is native to Asia, but has naturalized thoughout portions of the U.S. 'Superdukat' is a selection that only grows to 2 feet, and is slower to bolt (go to seed). Both leaves and seeds are used to flavor foods. Once you have a plant established in your garden, let it go to seed, so plants will establish themselves. Dill is a warm weather annual - do not plant it outside until after the last threat of frost. Generally, you will need to plant dill several times during the season to maintain fresh plants (or let it go to seed).

In hot areas plant in afternoon shade. Dill prefers rich soil and plenty of fertilizer, especially nitrogen, to maintain leafy growth. Good butterfly caterpillar plant.