Biennial. 2 ft. Sun to Part Shade.
Flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley flavor that is the preferred variety for cooking. Plants grow larger than curly parsley, up to 18 inches, are are much more tolerant of sun, heat, cold and drier conditions. The leaves are high in vitamin C.
Parsley is a true biennial, so it is best to replant it each year, since when it goes to seed it will lose vigor. In hot summer areas it is often replanted in fall.
Plant parsley in habitat gardens also, since caterpillars of many kinds of butterflies will eat the foliage. Many years ago a customer purchased a 3 inch pot of Italian parsley, walked out to her car, and quickly returned, very upset that we had sold her a plant with a 'worm' on it. Donna, one of my employees, looked at it and told her it was a swallowtail butterfly caterpillar. The customer quickly grabbed the pot back, exclaiming 'That's my caterpillar! I bought that plant!' Ah, if it were only so easy to change people's minds about 'bad bugs, good bugs' we could throw away most of our toxic chemicals....