Inula helenium (4") | Elecampane (4")

Inula helenium (4") | Elecampane (4")

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Elecampane is a large stately perennial, growing to 5 feet tall, with large long leaves and long spikes of numerous yellow daisy flowers. It is an excellent background plant for a large perennial border, and can be very showy once established. The daisy flowers have many slender flower rays, and when in full bloom the plant is a great attractor of butterflies. It prefers a full sun location with good drainage. Roots are used medicinally for the respiratory and digestive systems. Elecampane is native of central Europe and Asia. It is closely associated with Helen of Troy - ancient legend says it sprung up where ever her tears were shed. It was revered by the Celts, who called it elfwort.