The Natural Path to an Abundant and Healthy Garden with Soil Microbes | 03/16/24

The Natural Path to an Abundant and Healthy Garden with Soil Microbes | 03/16/24

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The Natural Path to an Abundant and Healthy Garden with Soil Microbes
with Michael Wedgley of Soilogical BioSolutions and Designs

Learn about the importance of soil microbes in plant growth and how to create a thriving ecosystem in your backyard, without the need for fertilizers and pesticides.  Discover the latest techniques and practices for improving soil health and promoting plant growth. $10.00  fee.  Participants will receive a credit of $10 to spend after the class.

Saturday, March 16th, 10:00am - 11:45 am
at Morningsun Herb Farm, in Vacaville, CA